The perfect day!

Today was not newsworthy... definitely no life altering moments in and of themselves, however, this day was such a joy I thought I would post it. So, not often would I celebrate such an early morning, but it happend to be one of lifes oddities... I awoke from my slumber completely rested at 4:30AM??? Perhaps the previous evenings Bikram Yoga experience??? Who knows... nevertheless, what do you do when the whole world is asleep on a Friday morning? Make your way to the gym of course___ 5:45a cycle class to be specific. Rather invigorating starting a day off with an intense sweat... and, to have the daily workout completely before 7a on a day off is an utterly amazing start. So, the only people who would be awake an available this early would be my folks so I made the surprise visit to stop by after class, secretly hoping for fresh scrambled eggs and bacon which my wonderful mother happily provided for me. I am so very blessed! To make this day even better, I brought over the lamp I wanted to sell them and got a rather generous $40, along with lbs of meat, canned goods, and a bouquet of flowers. Aren't parents amazing! I love you guys!!

So, after my shower, I rushed over to the emissions testing and took care of that... I passed!!! YAYAYAYAY! So, then I packed up a bunch of things I no longer needed -- as I have promised myself I will NEVER be over a size 8 ever again so anything above and beyond must go which happens to me the majority of the clothing I own -- I sent it off to the Goodwill. Done! Now, I took a few select pieces and a drove of books down to Portland. Sold the books for $30.75 at Powells and the clothes for $15 at Buffalo Exchange. In total, I brought home $85.75 today which isn't half bad for a day off work. Spent a few dollars on an adorable new sweater and off to Sauvie's Island for the $17 box of green beans. Dilly bean adventure here we come! The Pumpkin Patch red barn was my destination and I got the box of beans, some dried red peppers, and dill weed. Next destination HOME.

Any day off must have some relaxing so upon arriving home, the next hour was spent laying out on the back patio absorbing some very important vitaming D. As I don't do sun very well, I had to move inside rather quickly and spent another hour in bed taking a nap. Ha... you thought I wouldn't be able to fit it in... WRONG. While I was sleeping I had the jars sanitizing in the dishwasher so as not to waste any valuable time. Also, my stove doesn't heat up such an enormous pot very well, so I got that started early -- put on some music... currently enjoying MMJ, and cut the flower tips off of all the beans. This is quite a project. Once the sanitation cycle was completely, I began individually stuffing the beans, dill weed, garlic, pepper, salt, and spices into the jar... followed up with Apple Cider Vinegar because it is so good, and then cold water to the top. I will provide the recipe at the end of this novel for all to enjoy. Finally in the hot water bath they go. Get to a rolling boil and use the tongs to place 7 jars in at a time. Once a rolling boil, set timer for 10 minutes. When done, pull out and place on towel and cover up. Do NOT have windows open, a cold breeze will crack the jars and your efforts will be wasted and nobody wants to clean that up. Completed. Now, we wait weeks and weeks to eat them -- I promise they are worth it.

Overall a stellar day... and the weekend hasn't really even begun, oh and I washed my sheets in there somewhere...blissful day. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Here is the recipe for the dilly beans, a major thanks to the Southard Family:

*Into a plain quart jar, pack clean beans, (cut off the tip of the blossom).
*Add one large head dill weed.
*One and a half tbsp mixed pickling spices.
*One garlic bud, one large or two small dried red peppers.
*One and one half tablespoons pickling salt.
*One half cup cider vinegar.
*Fill jar with cold water seal tightly as possible.
*Keep in warm place.
*Shake occasionally, then keep in cold place.

10 minute water bath. Warming your water to 180 and putting the jars into hot water. Then bring to rolling boil and begin timer for 10 minutes. THen pull out of water and keep under a towel.